Updating Snap Servers via Command Line If you prefer to update the Snap Server OS from a command line, or want to write a script or batch file to update multiple Snap Servers automatically, use the OSUpdate program. The workstation must have network access to the Snap server to be updated. The OSUpdate utility takes the following parameters. These parameters must be used in the order shown below: ipaddress - server name or IP address to update Administrator Password - The password of the Administrative user Supfile name - The name of the .SUP update file to apply For example, to update a Snap Server with the name SNAP30123, an administrator password of Everyday365, and the current OS SUP file, type the following into the command line: OSUpdate SNAP30123 "Everyday365" SNAP_SYS.SUP and press Enter. Output status can be added to a log file, using the standard command prompt redirection. To send the output to the log file in the example above, you would enter the command as: OSUpdate SNAP30123 "Everyday365" SNAP_SYS.SUP >>logfile.txt If the administrator user has no password, the empty password can be defined by two double quotes. It is strongly recommended that all administrator user accounts have passwords. On successful completion of the update, the program returns a zero (0). If any other integer is returned, there has been an error. To view error codes, type osupdate without arguments in the command line and press Enter.