Lime Complex - Hook Door, AK Wildfire Overview - 02 July 2022 c. 0930 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire contained heavy cloud cover. Approximately 85% of the area was cloud covered. Details - No data was received for the east and west sides of the Hook and Door fires. The perimeter in that area is indicated as estimated. Heavy clouds were present over the the central section of the Hook and Door fires. The perimeter in that area is indicated as estimated. Continued growth was detected in the north eastern corner of the fire. Scattered and areas of intense fire were detected throughout the north east the fire. Several areas of intense and scattered were observed in the central section of the fire. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 30 June 2022 2200 AKDT Estimated Acreage: 104480 Acreage Change (if any): + 905