Mosquito, CA Wildfire Overview - 08 September 2022 c. 0500 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was cloud free. Details - The interpreters were able to designate the fire perimeter and isolated fires with no difficulty. Large areas of perimeter growth and intense fire were detected along the western, northern, eastern, and southeastern perimeter of the Mosquito fire. Large areas of intense fire were detected along the northern, eastern, and southeastern perimeter of the fire. One smaller area of intense fire was detected on the southwestern perimeter of the fire. Large areas of scattered fire were detected throughout the majority of the fire. The southwestern portion, while having some scattered fire, was relatively tame in comparison to the rest of the fire and was therefore omitted. One intense isolated fire was detected outside the northern perimeter IVO a large patch of intense fire. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 07 September 2022 1630 PDT