Smith River Complex, CA Wildfire Overview - 21 August 2023 c. 0815 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was heavily cloud covered. Details - Heavy clouds were present over the majority of the Kelly, Coon, and Corral fires. Prescott, Island, and Hurdy Gurdy were completely cloud covered. The perimeters in most of the complex fire as a whole are indicated as estimated. Moderate areas of perimeter growth and intense fire were detected at the Kelly fire. Small areas of perimeter growth were detected at Corral, Kelly, and Coon fires. Large areas of intense fire were detected along the northern and western ends of the Kelly fire. Moderate areas of scattered fire were detected between the clouds in the northern and southern portion of the Kelly fire. Several clusters of isolated fires were detected outside the fire perimeters. None of the fires have merged. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 21 August 2023 1940 UTC Estimated Acreage: 45085 Acreage Change: +6933