Smith River Complex, CA Wildfire Overview - 25 August 2023 c. 0945 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was heavily cloud covered. Details - Limited data was received for this wildfire. Partial products products were provided. Extensive growth in the perimeter was detected on the northeast end of the Kelly fire. Small areas of intense fire were detected along the northeast side of the Kelly fire. Moderate areas of scattered fire were detected along the northeast side of the Kelly fire. Numerous isolated fires were detected within the perimeters of Hurdy Gurdy, Island, and Prescott fires. Numerous isolated fires were also detected along the northeast side of the Kelly fire. Due to heavy cloud cover and lack of data, the majority of the perimeter is indicated as estimated. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 24 August 2023 1943 UTC Estimated Acreage: 56828 Acreage Change: +645