Smith River Complex, CA Wildfire Overview - 26 August 2023 c. 0500 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was cloud free. Details - Weather conditions had a small effect upon analysis. Little change was detected along most of the fire perimeters. Moderate growth was detected on the west side of the Kelly fire. Large growth was detected in the vicinity of the Marlow fire. Small areas of intense fire were detected along the northern and western edges of the Kelly fire. Small areas of intense fire were observed the in the majority of the other fires. Large areas of scattered fire were detected thorughout the eastern portion of the Kelly fire. Moderate scattered fire was detected in Island and Hurdy Gurdy fires. Large areas of scattered fire were detected throughout Marlow fire. Isolated fires were most numerous along the western side of the Kelly fire, and along the perimeters of the other fires. The fire within all perimeters was fairly widely scattered. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 26 August 2023 0308 UTC Estimated Acreage: 68689 Acreage Change: +1682