Fire Planning and Mapping Tools
California Fire Alliance Logo

Fire Mapping Viewer

The main purpose of the Fire Planning and Mapping Tools Viewer is a user friendly web site in which a person can create a map of an area, print, and download data to the User's personal computer to use with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software.


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Fire Planning and Mapping Tools Viewer

California Fire Alliance Home

Fire perimeter locations are determined using a variety of methods including field observers, helicopter GPS, and infrared sensors. Under the extreme conditions of a large fire event, each method has significant inherent inaccuracies. Perimeters are provided as a general description of fire location, and should not be used in isolation to make site specific decisions.

The State of California and participating agencies make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the data or maps. The user will not seek to hold the State or the agencies liable under any circumstances for any damages with respect to any claim by the user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps.

URL | Contacts: Fire GIS Lead, Web Master
Last modified: 8/20/2004@10:26 AM MST