Rough Wildfire Overview - 11 September 2015 c. 0445 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was cloud free. Details - The interpreters were able to designate the fire perimeter and isolated fires with no difficulty. Areas of intense and scattered fire were detected mainly along the northern and southwestern edges of the fire. Moderate areas of growth in the perimeter were detected along the south western section of the fire perimeter. A small additional perimeter was detected southwest of the main fire in the vicinity of 36 41 29 N / 119 10 21 W Acreage - Estimated Acreage: 119,205 Acreage Change (if any): + 3,917 Data Conversion - Aircraft3 data is in WGS84, degree decimal, shapefile. To convert to NAD83: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_1 (AK, CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)" To convert to NAD27: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_4 (Mean for CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)"