08/01/06 0500 hours IR Notes for 07/31/06 Imagery was pretty good. I used the perimeter from Steve Fourstar to begin with. I enlarged the perimeter where there was heat from IR. In some areas where no heat showed tonight, there was evidence of change in vegetation from NAIP. Where this was within the incident's perimeter, I left the perimeter alone. Also did the same in areas where I couldn't tell. However, there were some areas that were within the perimeter that did not look like they had burned, so I moved the perimeter in. Also, I concentrated on the heat around the perimeter. There may be some additional heat sources in the interior. I can complete the interpretation later and get that to you. Please let me know where the perimeter was moved in too far. If you do some work on the perimeter today, could you please either email to me at elisebowne@yahoo.com or post on the ftp site. I can retrieve and incorporate into tonight's IR data. I will plan on submitting an IR scanner request, unless I hear differently from you. Thanks, Elise Bowne IRIN 406-541-8000 rm 305 720-201-1698 cell