20160911 - 0700 From incident; The heat perimeter from 201600910_2221 shows the entire southwest corner of the fire filled in from the burnout operations along the Madison River back to the main fire. This entire area did not fill in, and we will are fixing the heat perimeter to reflect this. The intense heat polygons probably capture the area that actually burned yesterday in the burnout operation fairly well. The acres associated with the 201600910_2221 heat perimeter currently show 48,680. That is NOT ACCURATE. A more accurate estimate, using the intense heat polygons is 43,576 acres. 20160911 - 1400 Reply by IRIN Ken Marchand, Sounds good on updating the perimeter for the southwest burnout area and I'll get that perimeter from you for tonights IR. Regarding the acres, I included the southwest burnout as it appeared to create a complete fire perimeter polygon, and i noted that in the IR log so that the incident could adjust their official acres appropriately. THe acres on IR acres are often different that the official incident acres. below is the note i put in last nights IR log about the mapping the burnout and perimeter. "Comments /notes on tonight’s mission and this interpretation: Started with last nights IR perimeter. Perimeter expansions include approx. 6,600 acres the southwest burnout operations, 300 acres in the northcentral area that was previously an unburnt island, and approx. 10 acres in the northwest along a 2 mile front. "