July, MT Wildfire Overview - 09 July 2017 c. 0515 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire was cloud free. Details - The interpreters were able to designate the fire perimeter and isolated fires with no difficulty. Areas of creeping growth were detected along the northern portion of the fire perimeter. Small areas of intense fire were detected along the northern portion of the fire perimeter. Numerous small areas of scattered fire were detected within the western portion of the fire area. Numerous isolated fires were detected within the fire perimeter. Most were within the western half of the fire area. A few isolated fires and clusters of isolated fires were detected just outside the northern portion of the fire perimeter. Acreage - Estimated Acreage: 10,540 Acreage Change (if any): +95 (If there has been no increase since the previous perimeter, enter N/A) Data Conversion - Aircraft3 data is in WGS84, degree decimal, shapefile. To convert to NAD83: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_1 (AK, CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)" To convert to NAD27: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_4 (Mean for CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)"