Hey Ben, I ran into a possible problem. Right as I was finishing edits the reshape feautre tool quit working. It said something about a non simple polygon. I have never seen that error before. I assumed the shapefile was corrupt and tried several fixes. The odd part is that if I cut the polygon in half I could use the tool on either side, but when I merged them back together it would not work again. I tried a repair geometry on it. It said it ran sucessfully but did not show that it found anything to fix. I also traced the whole fire into a new shapefile thinking the islands had something to do with it. But it wouldnt work on that one without the islands either. So I suspect that the shapefile is not corrupted, but rather the reshape polygon tool just doesn't know how to handle it. Maybe the shape is too complex or something. Anyway I just wanted to let you know to watch out for issues with it. I will toy with it for a while while my trainor finishes up the other products. But I posted it for now. I will let you know whether or not I find anything else out. Let me know if you have any ideas or if you run into any problems with it. Thanks, Zack