OVERVIEW Website to display status of fire restrictions for (~50) predesignated polygons. Allow small (~30) set of distributed users (with eAuth) to alter status of fire restrictions appearing on the public site site. USER INTERFACES Public UI includes a page with interactive map showing polygons for each predesignated polygon with a popup legend showing status of fire restrictions for each (firerestrictions-01-public-home.png). Each of the predesignated polygons is painted according to the map key, and links from the map key connect to pages describing each status level (firerestrictions-02-public-closure.png, firerestrictions-03-public-stageii.png, firerestrictions-04-public-ndextreme.png, firerestrictions-05-public-stagei.png, firerestrictions-06-public-ndveryhigh.png). Links across the top of this page -- Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota -- are pulldown menus with links to pages with an area description and a listing of current fire restrictions for each predesignated polygon within these coordination areas (firerestrictions-07-public-coordareainfo.png). In turn, the coordination area page has links to a media page (firerestrictions-08-public-mediainfo.png) and dynamic pdfs for area information (firerestrictions-09-areainfopdf.png) and a press release (firerestrictions-10-pressreleasepdf.png). Admin UI includes pages for managing all content by coordination area, including status of fire restrictions for each predesignated polygon, coordination area information, and the press release (firerestrictions-11-coordinators-userguide.pdf). Access to admin actions is determined by role, three classes of user: admin, restrictions coordinator, and media coordinator. There will be one or more admin user and one or more restrictions coordinator and media coordinator user for each coordination area. ROLES AND WORKFLOWS Admin Admin can modify data in all fields. Admin can create, update, and delete users, including setting role-based permissions for each user. Admin can create, update, and delete fire restriction status levels ("stages"). A status level is represented by a stage name and a description of that stage. Restrictions Coordinator RC can create, update, and remove restrictions associated with predefined polygons within a given coordination area. A restriction includes restriction stage, the management areas affected, information about exemptions, date and time the restriction goes into effect, and date and time updated. RC can maintain contact information for self. Contact information includes name, telephone, and email. Media Coordinator MC can maintain a single current and comprehensive press release regarding restrictions within a given coordination area. A press release includes a header and an html body. MC can maintain contact information for self. Contact information includes name, telephone, and email. Public Public can view current fire restrictions map and associated pages, including pdfs.