10000571,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T34N R20E S23,1,Okanogan,2,3,13188,325,942,Deer Creek,5,04/26/2010,03/04/2003,04/01/2010,50,0,0,0,1,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0.9,0.5,3,3800,48.4247,-120.32,Y,100001313,04/26/2010,0800,4550,325,600,N,This burn is a high priority and we have broken up the unit into smaller blocks by constructing handline to help reduce smoke impact Please contact Keith VanBroeke at 5093223908 or 5099964015 with any questions Thanks,01,04/26/2010,1029,330,250,1,1,,5,10,11,30,0,0,Completed 280 acres of unit with 250 acres blackened Good ventilation to NNW Rain began about 1 hour after main ignition was completed No smoke in Twisp River valley or Twisp some drift smoke in Mazama vicinity Rainy breezy weather cleared smoke out by next morning,