10001117,Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,CRGNSA,T3N R11E S14,3,Klickitat,1,1,382,80,100,Cath_2011_Piles,5,11/16/2011,08/15/2010,01/01/1999,45,0,250,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1997,45.743771,-121.381083,Y,100002196,11/16/2011,1000,224,80,240,N,Smoke output based on consume runs from BlueSkyPlayground Remaining total acres are 80 as 40 of the 120 were finished our first burn day Smoke monitors will be in place on the Oregon side Burn pace should allow smoke to dissapate as we are firing Piles on original 40 acres were bone dry able to light with a match and consumed hot and fast a least 90 of fuel consumed during innitial hottest phase of burn very clean piles all sub 4 material,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Smoke output based on consume runs from BlueSkyPlayground Remaining total acres are 80 as 40 of the 120 were finished our first burn day Smoke monitors will be in place on the Oregon side Burn pace should allow smoke to dissapate as we are firing Piles on original 40 acres were bone dry able to light with a match and consumed hot and fast a least 90 of fuel consumed during innitial hottest phase of burn very clean piles all sub 4 material, 10001148,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T33N R23E S1,3,Okanogan,1,1,1,1,1,North Summit Snopark,5,11/17/2011,07/01/2011,04/01/2011,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,4076,48.392,-119.888,Y,100002207,11/17/2011,1200,1,1,60,N,I tried to put this request in yesterday my computer locked up for other reasons ,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,I tried to put this request in yesterday my computer locked up for other reasons , 10001040,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T36N R20E S34,3,Okanogan,1,1,1249,10,500,Fawn Hand Piles,5,11/17/2011,08/01/2010,04/01/2011,20,0,649,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,3,3500,48.564,-120.318,Y,100002208,11/17/2011,1300,12,10,120,N,This burn occurred yesterday when I tried to put the burn request in my computer locked up ,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,This burn occurred yesterday when I tried to put the burn request in my computer locked up , 10001040,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T36N R20E S34,3,Okanogan,1,1,1249,3,500,Fawn Hand Piles,5,11/17/2011,08/01/2010,04/01/2011,20,0,649,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,3,3500,48.564,-120.318,Y,100002209,11/17/2011,1100,3,3,240,N,This request is for today burn hand piles on a total of 3 acres,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,This request is for today burn hand piles on a total of 3 acres, 10001058,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T26N R17E S11,1,Chelan,1,1,359,170,256,Natapoc Ridge Piles,5,11/18/2011,10/01/2010,05/31/2011,30,0,180,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3,3,2600,47.7668,-120.6835,Y,100002210,11/18/2011,1030,168,170,180,N,Tonnage based off of an estimated 56 machine piles at 3 tons per pile Project area received about five inches of snow last night Residual smoke from previous days pile burning is minimal dispersing on site Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Tonnage based off of an estimated 56 machine piles at 3 tons per pile Project area received about five inches of snow last night Residual smoke from previous days pile burning is minimal dispersing on site Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you, 10001144,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T26N R17E S10,1,Chelan,1,1,495,135,135,Dead Nasty Piles ,5,11/15/2011,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,30,0,252,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,3,3100,47.7642,-120.7085,Y,100002195,11/15/2011,1030,252,135,240,N,Request based off of an estimated 70 machine piles Tonnage calculated at about 3 tons per pile Piles are atabove 3000 feet elevation Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you,2,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Request based off of an estimated 70 machine piles Tonnage calculated at about 3 tons per pile Piles are atabove 3000 feet elevation Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you, 10001117,Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,CRGNSA,T3N R11E S14,3,Klickitat,1,1,382,100,100,Cath_2011_Piles,5,11/03/2011,08/15/2010,01/01/1999,45,0,250,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1997,45.743771,-121.381083,Y,100002155,11/03/2011,1030,250,100,240,N,Consume via Blue Sky Playground modeling along with online pile calculator was used to determing loading Moderate to strong westerlies should be beneficital to help disperse smoke Burn pace should limit buildup of smoke IE pace should allow most of the smoke to dissapate as we burn,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Consume via Blue Sky Playground modeling along with online pile calculator was used to determing loading Moderate to strong westerlies should be beneficital to help disperse smoke Burn pace should limit buildup of smoke IE pace should allow most of the smoke to dissapate as we burn, 10001058,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T26N R17E S11,1,Chelan,1,1,359,50,256,Natapoc Ridge Piles,5,11/17/2011,10/01/2010,05/31/2011,30,0,180,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3,3,2600,47.7668,-120.6835,Y,100002206,11/17/2011,1030,75,50,240,N,,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,, 10001117,Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,CRGNSA,T3N R11E S14,3,Klickitat,1,1,382,100,100,Cath_2011_Piles,5,11/03/2011,08/15/2010,01/01/1999,45,0,250,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1997,45.743771,-121.381083,Y,100002155,11/03/2011,1030,250,100,240,N,Consume via Blue Sky Playground modeling along with online pile calculator was used to determing loading Moderate to strong westerlies should be beneficital to help disperse smoke Burn pace should limit buildup of smoke IE pace should allow most of the smoke to dissapate as we burn,01,11/03/2011,0001,1,1,1,1,,10,7,14,18,0,0,Too much creep Predicted POP of 70 didnt deliver needed rain Cancelled burn, 10001117,Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area,CRGNSA,T3N R11E S14,3,Klickitat,1,1,382,80,100,Cath_2011_Piles,5,11/16/2011,08/15/2010,01/01/1999,45,0,250,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1997,45.743771,-121.381083,Y,100002196,11/16/2011,1000,224,80,240,N,Smoke output based on consume runs from BlueSkyPlayground Remaining total acres are 80 as 40 of the 120 were finished our first burn day Smoke monitors will be in place on the Oregon side Burn pace should allow smoke to dissapate as we are firing Piles on original 40 acres were bone dry able to light with a match and consumed hot and fast a least 90 of fuel consumed during innitial hottest phase of burn very clean piles all sub 4 material,01,11/16/2011,1200,120,80,1,1,,3,1,16,18,0,0,Great pile burn Smoke rose directly into cloud bank never settling anywhere within perimeter of the Gorge Transported up and dispersed before it crossed Major creek Snowed the entire time Smoke lookouts placed across river never saw anything come down Clearing wind occured at 1600 zero residual smoke left all piles were bone dry and consumed 90 within 15 minutes each Best burn window we have ever had Thanks for the help, 10001144,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T26N R17E S10,1,Chelan,1,1,495,135,135,Dead Nasty Piles ,5,11/15/2011,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,30,0,252,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,3,3100,47.7642,-120.7085,Y,100002195,11/15/2011,1030,252,135,240,N,Request based off of an estimated 70 machine piles Tonnage calculated at about 3 tons per pile Piles are atabove 3000 feet elevation Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you,2,11/15/2011,1030,180,15,3,1,,3,2,25,30,0,0,Piles burned readily Smoke ascended 500 AGL dispersing within a mile to the east over Beaver Valley Some settlling occured along river road Volume was light No impacts to residents or roadways Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603, 10001058,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T26N R17E S11,1,Chelan,1,1,359,50,256,Natapoc Ridge Piles,5,11/17/2011,10/01/2010,05/31/2011,30,0,180,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.3,3,2600,47.7668,-120.6835,Y,100002206,11/17/2011,1030,75,50,240,N,,01,11/17/2011,1030,120,1,3,1,,2,0,25,30,0,0,13 machine piles at an average of 3 tons per pile No smoke impacts to residents or roadways Area received five inches of snow last night Submitted by Cary Stock 5096709603 Thank you,