10001686,Spokane ,Spokane District Office,T21N R39E S2,3,Lincoln,1,1,5474,100,1150,Fishtrap Pile Burn,3,01/21/2014,01/01/1999,01/13/2014,10,0,2737,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,2100,47.353529,-117.825838,Y,100003238,01/21/2014,0930,200,100,360,N,Spot weather available at 0700 Light winds continue to be out of Northeast Acres and ignition time can easily be adjusted due to current inversion reasons Accomplished tons continue to show 0 in DNR Smoke Approval website even after submitting post burn data Cant pinpoint the cause Spoke with FS state office for help issue still not resolved Any questions please call Mike Solheim 5094755588 Thanks,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Spot weather available at 0700 Light winds continue to be out of Northeast Acres and ignition time can easily be adjusted due to current inversion reasons Accomplished tons continue to show 0 in DNR Smoke Approval website even after submitting post burn data Cant pinpoint the cause Spoke with FS state office for help issue still not resolved Any questions please call Mike Solheim 5094755588 Thanks,