10001500,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T34N R20E S27,3,Okanogan,2,3,12985,120,742,Deer Rx,5,09/23/2013,03/04/2003,03/20/2013,5,0,0,0.5,0.5,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,3,0.5,3,3800,48.4247,-120.32,Y,100002923,09/23/2013,0930,1812,120,480,N,We will only burn one unit today out of our 3 smoke requests This unit is our 1 PRIORITY of our requests for today No cutoffs are available this part of Deer has a higher proportion of slash than the rest of the 742acre unit Existing fuel loading in this portion is 197 tonsac consumption modeled in Consume 31 is 151 tonsac This area will not be 100 burned as slash is not continuous ,2,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,We will only burn one unit today out of our 3 smoke requests This unit is our 1 PRIORITY of our requests for today No cutoffs are available this part of Deer has a higher proportion of slash than the rest of the 742acre unit Existing fuel loading in this portion is 197 tonsac consumption modeled in Consume 31 is 151 tonsac This area will not be 100 burned as slash is not continuous , 10001507,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Methow Valley,T36N R20E S34,3,Okanogan,1,3,7411,93,541,Fawn Cr Rx,5,09/23/2013,07/01/2007,04/01/2013,30,0,0,1.8,1.9,4,3.1,0.2,0,0,0,0,1,0.2,3,3500,48.57178,-120.326,Y,100002924,09/23/2013,0930,1302,93,480,N,Of the requests for today we will only burn one unit Deer Rx is our 1 priority This request is a lower priority and has cutoffs at 20 and 35 acres ,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Of the requests for today we will only burn one unit Deer Rx is our 1 priority This request is a lower priority and has cutoffs at 20 and 35 acres ,