10001751,Spokane ,Spokane District Office,T40N R36E S35,3,Stevens,1,3,1360,80,80,Pierre Lake - Rock Cut Unit,7,05/15/2014,12/20/2010,03/20/2014,30,0,0,0.23,2.02,2.3,7.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,3,1900,48.9204,-118.1971,Y,100003359,05/15/2014,1100,900,80,300,N,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available both on Wed and Thursday for our burn In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653,3,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available both on Wed and Thursday for our burn In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653, 10001752,Spokane ,Spokane District Office,T40N R36E S35,3,Stevens,1,3,1360,80,80,Rock Cut ,7,05/15/2014,12/20/2010,03/20/2014,30,0,0,0.23,2.02,2.3,7.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,3,1900,48.9204,-118.1971,Y,100003365,05/15/2014,1100,900,80,300,N,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District and could be a duplicate Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available 600 AM In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653,4,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District and could be a duplicate Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available 600 AM In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653, 10001751,Spokane ,Spokane District Office,T40N R36E S35,3,Stevens,1,3,1360,80,80,Pierre Lake - Rock Cut Unit,7,05/15/2014,12/20/2010,03/20/2014,30,0,0,0.23,2.02,2.3,7.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,3,1900,48.9204,-118.1971,Y,100003359,05/15/2014,1100,900,80,300,N,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available both on Wed and Thursday for our burn In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653,3,05/15/2014,1112,690,63,1,1,Spokane BLM1,5,4,12,34,20,0,The ignition period took longer than anticipated do to unforcasted north wind that arrived mid iginitiona and caused a change to the ignition plan Environmental conditions before during and after the burn were conducive and resulted in a successful burn Smoke dispersion during ignitions was less than favorable and resulted is some shortterm impacts to the adjacent community due to an unforecasted northerly wind that arrived unexpectedly during ignition, 10001752,Spokane ,Spokane District Office,T40N R36E S35,3,Stevens,1,3,1360,80,80,Rock Cut ,7,05/15/2014,12/20/2010,03/20/2014,30,0,0,0.23,2.02,2.3,7.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,3,1900,48.9204,-118.1971,Y,100003365,05/15/2014,1100,900,80,300,N,Dave This burn is ranked 1 for our District and could be a duplicate Just an FYI we will have a spot weather forcast available 600 AM In addition you can check the current conditions on site via our portable RAWS station Spokane BLM 1 NW09 E2 and we also have a PM 25 moitor adjacent to the site next to a couple of homes located down by the Kettle River The data is available httpwwwwrccdrieducgibinsmokepl Please give me a call if you have any questions Richard Parrish 5099819653,4,05/15/2014,0000,0,0,1,1,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Duplicate Burn Request,