10001808,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Tonasket,T36N R24E S10,1,Okanogan,2,3,19240,1200,1300,Mutton Landscape ,3,09/29/2014,03/15/2008,05/15/2014,35,0,0,0.5,0.5,1.2,4.7,2,1,0,0,1,0,0.1,2,3850,48.6307,-119.7676,Y,100003472,09/29/2014,0900,11000,1200,480,N,Landscape aerial ignition open pine natural fuels with two small harvest units interior Ability to adjust and use cutoffs if smoke is not dispersing well or needed not preferred due to use of helicopter Please note the tonnage is on this permit was not accurate to the inputs its borrowing from another permit entry Fuel loading in the burnplan should be closer to 89 tonsac,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Landscape aerial ignition open pine natural fuels with two small harvest units interior Ability to adjust and use cutoffs if smoke is not dispersing well or needed not preferred due to use of helicopter Please note the tonnage is on this permit was not accurate to the inputs its borrowing from another permit entry Fuel loading in the burnplan should be closer to 89 tonsac, 10001808,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Tonasket,T36N R24E S10,1,Okanogan,2,3,19240,200,1300,Mutton Landscape ,3,10/01/2014,03/15/2008,05/15/2014,35,0,0,0.5,0.5,1.2,4.7,2,1,0,0,1,0,0.1,2,3850,48.6307,-119.7676,Y,100003481,10/01/2014,1100,2000,200,480,N,Plan to burn one or two of the blocks in the landscape burn if fuel moistures and consumptions are within parameters units will be lined and not continue to burn beyond initial ignition can be broken into 100 acres a piece,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Plan to burn one or two of the blocks in the landscape burn if fuel moistures and consumptions are within parameters units will be lined and not continue to burn beyond initial ignition can be broken into 100 acres a piece, 10001803,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T27N R17E S25,1,Chelan,1,3,9380,90,700,Fishloop,5,09/30/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,15,0,0,1,0.7,4,7.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2300,47.8038,-120.6538,Y,100003485,09/30/2014,1200,1134,90,240,N,available cut off acres at 34 and 56 submitted by cary stock 5096709603 thanks,02,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,available cut off acres at 34 and 56 submitted by cary stock 5096709603 thanks, 10001803,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T27N R17E S25,1,Chelan,1,3,9380,90,700,Fishloop,5,10/01/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,15,0,0,1,0.7,4,7.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2300,47.8038,-120.6538,Y,100003486,10/01/2014,1200,1134,90,240,N,available cut off acres at 34 and 56 submitted by cary stock 5096709603 thanks,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,available cut off acres at 34 and 56 submitted by cary stock 5096709603 thanks, 10001722,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Chelan,T27N R20E S11,3,Chelan,1,3,20424,30,2400,Forest Mountain UB 2014,5,10/01/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,30,0,0,0.25,1.14,2.41,1.56,0.08,0,3,2,0,2,0,3,4700,47.850595,-120.27312,Y,100003482,10/01/2014,1000,234,30,120,N,,2,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,, 10001803,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T27N R17E S25,1,Chelan,1,3,9380,39,700,Fishloop,5,09/23/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,15,0,0,1,0.7,4,7.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2300,47.8038,-120.6538,Y,100003471,09/23/2014,1230,485,39,180,N,available cut off acres at 21 submitted by cary stock 5096709603,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,available cut off acres at 21 submitted by cary stock 5096709603, 10000856,Colville,Newport,T32N R40E S21,2,Pend Oreille,1,3,1200,100,150,Geo Physical,5,10/01/2014,10/01/2008,03/15/2011,5,0,0,1,2,3,1,1,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,2500,48.1529,-117.463,Y,100003483,10/01/2014,1200,400,100,300,N,Requesting smoke for 2 units on the 30th Geo is hazardous fuels and Blue Ruby will be light logging slash Weather and fuel conditions will deternine which units we light ,01,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Requesting smoke for 2 units on the 30th Geo is hazardous fuels and Blue Ruby will be light logging slash Weather and fuel conditions will deternine which units we light , 10000847,Colville,Newport,T36N R43E S33,3,Pend Oreille,1,3,8107,100,737,Blue Ruby TS,5,10/01/2014,07/01/2010,04/15/2010,5,0,0,2,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,3,3200,48.483,-117.483,Y,100003484,10/01/2014,1200,800,100,360,N,Two timbersale units with common boundaries12 tonnage is ok,3,01/01/1999,0,0,0,0,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,Two timbersale units with common boundaries12 tonnage is ok, 10001808,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Tonasket,T36N R24E S10,1,Okanogan,2,3,19240,1200,1300,Mutton Landscape ,3,09/29/2014,03/15/2008,05/15/2014,35,0,0,0.5,0.5,1.2,4.7,2,1,0,0,1,0,0.1,2,3850,48.6307,-119.7676,Y,100003472,09/29/2014,0900,11000,1200,480,N,Landscape aerial ignition open pine natural fuels with two small harvest units interior Ability to adjust and use cutoffs if smoke is not dispersing well or needed not preferred due to use of helicopter Please note the tonnage is on this permit was not accurate to the inputs its borrowing from another permit entry Fuel loading in the burnplan should be closer to 89 tonsac,01,09/29/2014,1300,270,210,1,1,,2,4,12,15,90,0,Smoke rose to approx 200300 ft AGL and carried off the south and dispersed well during ignition Fuel moistures were on the wet side of the prescription and Heavy fuels and needle cast and significant concentrations of one and ten hour fuels appeared to be the only things consuming Smoke was monitored to be settling in the low lying areas this morning, 10001803,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T27N R17E S25,1,Chelan,1,3,9380,39,700,Fishloop,5,09/23/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,15,0,0,1,0.7,4,7.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2300,47.8038,-120.6538,Y,100003471,09/23/2014,1230,485,39,180,N,available cut off acres at 21 submitted by cary stock 5096709603,01,09/23/2014,1230,360,20,3,1,,2,10,15,10,25,0,smoke gained 750 feet of lift dispersing to the south southwest until 1600 then dispersed to the east no impacts to local communities overnight submitted by cary stock 5096709603, 10001803,Okanogan-Wenatchee,Wenatchee River,T27N R17E S25,1,Chelan,1,3,9380,90,700,Fishloop,5,09/30/2014,01/01/1999,01/01/1999,15,0,0,1,0.7,4,7.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,2300,47.8038,-120.6538,Y,100003485,09/30/2014,1200,1134,90,240,N,available cut off acres at 34 and 56 submitted by cary stock 5096709603 thanks,02,09/30/2014,0000,0,0,1,1,,0,0,0,0,0,0,,