Beaver Creek Wildfire Overview - 13 September 2016 c. 0700 Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire contained heavy cloud cover. Approximately 90% of the area was cloud covered. Details - Heavy clouds were present over 90% of the fire. Only small portion of the perimeter could be analyzed. Little change was detected due to cloud cover of the fire perimeter. Acreage - Estimated Acreage: 38267 Acreage Change (if any): +3 Data Conversion - "Aircraft3 data is in WGS84, degree decimal, shapefile." To convert to NAD83: "Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_1 (AK, CONUS) as the ""Geographic Transformation (optional)""" To convert to NAD27: "Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_4 (Mean for CONUS) as the ""Geographic Transformation (optional)"""