Lake Christine, CO - Wildfire Overview - 23 July 2018 c. 0730 UTC Weather Conditions - The vicinity of the fire had moderate to heavy cloud cloud cover. Details - Weather conditions had a moderate effect upon analysis, as the southern portion of the perimeter was largely cloud covered.The active fire areas had some cloud cover too on the northern section of the perimeter. Heavy clouds were present over the most of the fire. The many segments perimeter are indicated as estimated perimeterm and the areas of intense and scattered were hidden and are larger than the area that was mapped or symbolized by the map. Large areas of perimeter growth and intense fire were detected at the northern and northeastern section of the Lake Christine fire. Located on the northern flank of Basalt Mountain approaching Cattle Creek. A large area of intense fire is buring on the upper eastern section of the perimeter, moving to the south east. Large areas of intense fire were detected along the northeastern section of the permiter of the fire. Advancing on the northern flank of Basalt Mountain approaching Cattle Creek. A large area of intense fire is buring on the upper eastern section of the perimeter, moving to the south east. Large areas of scattered fire were detected along the northern and northeastern sections of the perimeter of the fire. Advancing on the northern flank of Basalt Mountain and moving towards Cattle Creek. The scatter fire mapped in the central portion of the perimeter is more widely scattered type fire. Isolated fires were generally within fairly close proximity to the main perimeters, along the north and northeastern sections of the perimeter - spotting ahead of the intense fire locations on north and northereastern perimter, and have crossed Cattle Creek to the north. Ioslated fires were also mapped outside of the perimeter on the upper eastern edge of the perimeter. Isolated fire was located inside the central portion of the perimter. No isoalted or scattered fire was mapped on the southen section of the fire. Acreage - Estimated Acreage: 11,553 Acreage Change (if any): + 1,286 Data Conversion - Aircraft3 data is in WGS84, degree decimal, shapefile. To convert to NAD83: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_1 (AK, CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)" To convert to NAD27: Using Toolbox in ArcMap, use WGS_1984_4 (Mean for CONUS) as the "Geographic Transformation (optional)"