Here are some files I made for the Edgewater Fire (I guess I should have been calling it the Opossum Camp Road Fire. I would set it up using Fuel Conditioning starting on May 11 and the Fire starting at 1500 and running through 2300 on May 15th. I enabled spot fire growth at 3%. Because everybody said spotting was frequent and significant. Sam was playing around with the new fuel models and likes the SH9 (149) for its ROS, so I converted the grass models over to that. The area that shows up as grass on the fuel map is really a pine plantation (I think). I also changed the stuff that is Fuel Model 8 into a Fuel Model 7 because it was burning so strongly through it. Go a head and import the vector files (in the "shape" folder) for the roads (I-95 and Opossum Camp Road), and the barrier file and the perimeter given by the team, as well as the ignition shape file. I used the weather from the Pierson FAWN mostly and added the winds Sam measured at the scene. He said he was getting 10 MPH eye level so I put in some 21 or 22 MPH in the wind file. The perimeter they gave us actually has the fire a little smaller than it ended up that evening, so maybe we should up the 20' winds a little. Have fun.