Projection Information and Data Disclaimer FDEP GIS data is provided as a public service. FDEP makes every effort to provide accurate and complete data. Metadata is provided for all datasets and no data should be used without first reading and understanding the limitations of the data. The State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides NO WARRANTY for the availability or accuracy of this GIS data. The files contained in this WinZip archive are ArcView shapefiles created from ArcSDE layers. The data are provided in a customized Albers projection in the HPGN datum. The specific parameters are as follows: 24 00 00 First Standard Parallel 31 30 00 Second Standard Parallel -84 00 00 Central Meridian 24 00 00 Latitude of Origin 400000 False Easting (meters) 0 False Northing (meters) If you use Workstation ARC/INFO to reproject the data, the input parameters are as follows: INPUT PROJECTION ALBERS UNITS METERS DATUM HPGN PARAMETERS 24 00 00 31 30 00 -84 00 00 24 00 00 400000 0.0 If you use Desktop ArcGIS to reproject the data, a copy of fdepalbers.prj as well as general information about projections and projecting are available on the Internet at Each WinZip archive should contain the following files: shapefile.shp shapefile.dbf shapefile.shx shapefile.sbn shapefile.sbx shapefile.avl shapefile.xml (metadata) projection.txt And may contain: shapefile.mta (an alternate metadata format) shapefile.htm (an alternate metadata format) shapefile.prj These shapefiles are accompanied by metadata files, which describe the attributes and lineage for the data layer and usually include a legend file. We do not perform projection transformations or provide the data in custom formats. The data is provided on an "as-is" basis. The file names are meant to be as descriptive as possible.