- Process_Description:
- GeoPlan, during the QA/QC process included the following aspects:
1.) Reprojected data to FGDL Albers HPGN (See "Map Projection Parameters" below)
2.) Upcased all character records
3.) Descript item added based on FEATURE Descript item was calculated on Major1, Minor1 pairs, which describe the type of line (transportation) and type of road (ie.class 3 divided, footbridge, trail class 5, etc.) State Route names COULD be defined in a descript item by reselecting major2 = 174 and using the minor2 code as the descript item. US Route names COULD also be defined in a descript item by reselecting major2 = 173 and using the minor2 code as descript item. Interstate Route numbers COULD also be defined in a descript item by reselecting the major2 = 172 and using the minor2 code to define the item. Minor2 numbers could not be used as a rds24 descript item because of conflicts between US, State, and Interstate road names.
4.) Dropped old internal coverage items: FNODE#, TNODE#, LPOLY#, RPOLY#, RDS24_2_, RDS24_2_ID
5.) Dropped items where all records are empty or = 0: MAJOR10, MINOR10
- Process_Date: