1: Date 10/17/2010 |
2: Time 1800 |
3: Initial | Update | Final | XX | |
4: Incident Number LA-KIF-011009 |
5: Incident Name Wrangler |
6: Incident Kind Wildfire (Full Suppression/Perimeter Control) |
7: Start Date Time 10/12/2010 1545 |
8: Cause Lightning |
9: Incident Commander Mike Quesinberry |
10: Incident Command Organization Type 2 Team |
11: State-Unit LA-KIF |
12: County Natchitoches |
13: Latitude and Longitude Lat: 31° 30´ 30" Long: 93° 4´ 0" Ownership: LA-KIF |
14: Short Location Description (in reference to nearest town): 20 miles SW of Natchitoches |
15: Size/Area Involved 1,367 ACRES |
16: % Contained or MMA 30 Percent |
17: Expected Containment Date: 10/20/2010 |
18: Line to Build 3 Miles |
19: Estimated Costs to Date $632,305 |
20: Declared Controlled Date: Time: |
21: Injuries this Reporting Period: |
22: Injuries to Date: |
23: Fatalities | 24: Structure Information | |||
0 | 0 | 0 | Type of Structure | # Threatened | # Damaged | # Destroyed |
25: Threat to Human Life/Safety: Evacuation(s) in progress ---- No evacuation(s) imminent -- XX Potential future threat -------- No likely threat --------------- |
Residence | 12 | 0 | 0 | ||
Commercial Property | ||||||
Outbuilding/Other | 12 | 0 | 0 |
26: Projected incident movement/spread 12, 24, 48, and 72 hour time frames: 12 hours: Fire perimeter will spread further east as a result of today's burnout operations along the east flank in DIV A. The remainder of the fire will begin to transition from spreading to the south to spreading to the north and northeast as a wind shift is predicted to occur overnight. 24 hours: The fire is expected to begin to spread more to the north, northeast with SW winds predicted for the next operational period. Additional fire spread to the south in DIV B will likely occur if burnout operations are conducted as planned. 48 hours: 72 hours: |
27: Values at Risk: include communities, critical infrastructure, natural and cultural resources in 12, 24, 48 and 72 hour time frames: 12 hours: RCW habitat and developed recreation sites may be impacted by the advancing fire. 24 hours: Pine plantations on private timber company lands and primary residences on private lands adjacent to the wilderness boundary may be impacted by fire and/or smoke depending on the fire's advancement. Several structures are located just outside the wilderness boundary to the north of the DIV D. The structures however, are outside of the planned fire perimeter. 48 hours: 72 hours: |
28: Critical Resource Needs (amount, type, kind and number of operational periods () in priority order in 12, 24, 48, and 72 hour time frames): 12 hours: None 24 hours: 48 hours: 72 hours: |
29: Major problems and concerns (control problems, social/political/economic concerns or impacts, etc.) Relate critical resources needs identified above to the Incident Action Plan. prolonged drought, extreme fire behavior and smoke impacts to local roads and Interstate 49. The potential for significant smoke impacts to Interstate 49 are possible on 10/18 in the a.m. as smoke is expected to drift over the interstate with the predicted windshift overnight. Warning signs are in place on the interstate to caution motorists of the potential for smoke and low visibilities. The Louisiana State Police are also patrolling and monitoring the interstate for smoke impacts. |
30: Observed Weather for Current Operational Period Peak Gusts (mph): 7 Max. Temperature: 89 Wind Direction: N Min. Relative Humidity: 24 |
31: Fuels/Materials Involved: 7 Southern Rough Longleaf, loblolly and shortleaf pine intermixed with little bluestem, hardwood timber and Yaupon. |
32: Today's observed fire behavior (leave blank for non-fire events): Moderate fire behavior with flame lengths between 1 and 5 feet. Moderate to high rates of spread were observed in the late afternoon as humidity percentages dropped into the lower 20's. Terrain and fuels continue to be the major influences on fire spread and intensity. |
33: Significant events today (closures, evacuations, significant progress made, etc.): Type II Incident Management Team assumed command of the incident today. Good progress was made along the east flank of the fire in DIV A with burnout operations. |
34: Forecasted Weather for next Operational Period Wind Speed (mph): 2-8 Temperature: 86 Wind Direction: SSW Relative Humidity: 33 |
35: Estimated Control Date and Time: |
36: Projected Final Size: |
37: Estimated Final Cost: |
38: Actions planned for next operational period: Crew will continue to construct and improve control lines along the southern perimeter in DIV B. Burnout operations are also planned in DIV B. Patrol and monitoring of control lines in DIV A are planned following today's burnout operation. |
39: For fire incidents, describe resistance to control in terms of: |
1. Growth Potential - High |
2. Difficulty of Terrain - High |
40: Given the current constraints, when will the chosen management strategy succeed? |
41: Projected demobilization start date: |
42: Remarks: Southern Area Incident Management Team (Blue Team - Quesinberry) assumed command of the fire today. Efforts continue to be to contain the fire within the boundary of the Kisatchie Hills Wilderness and minimize smoke impacts to local communities and Interstate 49. Winds are predicted to shift from the North to the Southwest during the next operational period. Burnout operations are planned for the next operational period to secure control lines along the east and south boundaries of the fire. |
43: Committed Resources (Supplemental Committed Resources follow the first block) |
Agency | CRW1 | CRW2 | HEL1 | HEL2 | HEL3 | ENGS | DOZR | WTDR | OVHD | Camp Crews |
Total Personnel |
SR | ST | SR | ST | SR | SR | SR | SR | ST | SR | ST | SR | SR | |||
PRI | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 46 | |||||||||
USFS | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 54 | 144 | |||||||||
BIA | 5 | 5 | |||||||||||||
OTHR | |||||||||||||||
ST | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||
WXW | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||
NPS | 2 | 2 | |||||||||||||
FWS | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||
Total | 2 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 64 | 0 | 200 |
Total personnel by agency are listed in the first section of committed resources. | ||||||||
Agency | C215 | C415 | BMDR | TPL1 | TPL2 | TPL3 | TPL4 | VANS |
SR | SR | SR | SR | SR | SR | SR | SR | |
PRI | ||||||||
USFS | ||||||||
BIA | ||||||||
OTHR | ||||||||
ST | ||||||||
WXW | ||||||||
NPS | ||||||||
FWS | ||||||||
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
44: Cooperating and Assisting Agencies Not Listed Above: Natchitoches Parish Sheriff's Department |
45: Prepared by: Steve Smith - SITL |
46: Approved by: Mike Quisenberry - IC |
47: Sent to:SACC by: Steve Smith Date: 10/17/2010 Time: 1900 |