1148 Fire, TX Wildfire Overview - 21 July 2022 c. 0430 UTC Weather Conditions - Heavy cloud and haze cover was present across the entire fire. Details - Heavy clouds and haze were present over the entire fire. The entire perimeter is indicated as estimated. Weather conditions had a severe effect upon analysis. Small areas of creeping growth were noted along the northwestern portion of the perimeter. No areas of intense fire were detected. Moderate-sized areas of scattered fire were detected within the north-central portion of the perimeter. A number of isolated fires were detected within the perimeter, primarily in the northwestern portion. Acreage - Starting Perimeter Source - Incident/NIFC Starting Perimeter Date/Time - 19 July 2022 2045 CDT Estimated Acreage: 456 Acreage Change (if any): +2 (If there has been no increase since the previous perimeter, enter N/A)