WLSTINV1-Weather Station Inventory for 55807 Station: 055807 Name: BIG BEAR PARK NESDIS: 3276A080 Type: 4 (RAWS S NFDRS) Create/Mod Date: 07-Dec-2020 Obs Time/Z: 12/MST Assoc Man: ______ Prev Stn: ______ Fcst Zone: 207 State: 08-CO County: 067-La Plata Lat/Lon: 37 29 46, 107 43 46 Obs Agy: 1 (USDA FS ) Unit: SJF Mnemonic: BBRPK FS Reg: 2 Fuel Stk: ___________ Wdy FM Mea: ___________ Site: 3 Elev: 10341 Asp: 6 Ann Prec: 20.00 Season: Ltng scale: 1.00 Hum code: 2 Temp code: 1 Pres code: 1 Wind Spd code: 1 KBDI: One/Ten Fl: N User: FS6716 Acc Lst: DRC Comments: STATION ESTABLISHED 08/26/2005. SET GREEN UP DATE TO 11 MAY 2007. DML 05-12-2009 GREENUP 10-01-2009 FREEZE 05-27-10 FINAL GREENUP RECALC 05-27-10 FINAL GREENUP RECALC 06-16-2010 STATION REHAB-RH/AT, FM/FT, REPLACED TB 1/4/11 FROZEN AS OF 10/25/10 RECALC 10/25/10 TO 1/3/11. 5/5/12 GREENUP 10/27/12 FREEZE 5/5/13 GREENUP 10/12/13 FREEZE 5/10/14 GREENUP P ** 78 NFDRS Only ** 88 S G C Staffing Idx Breakpnts r H Greenup S l r l Low High i FM S Herb Date Date b p s i SI DC SI% Val SI% Val - -- - --------- --------- - - - - -- -- --- --- --- --- 1 7G F 27-oct-20 07-may-20 _ 2 P 3 EC 5 90 67 97 78 2 16Z _ _________ _________ _ 2 P EC 5 90 95 97 108 3 16Y _ _________ _________ _ 2 P BI 5 90 34 97 38 4 16V _ _________ _________ _ 2 P __ 90 97 5 16W _ _________ _________ _ 2 P __ 90 97 6 16X _ _________ _________ _ 2 P __ 90 97 NESDIS S# Description SHEF -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ----- 3276A080 9 Rain Accumulation, Inches PC 3276A080 10 Wind Speed MPH, Miles per Hour US 3276A080 11 Wind Direction Degrees, Degrees UD 3276A080 12 Air Temperature, Standard Placement, Deg TA 3276A080 14 Relative Humidity, Percent XR 3276A080 15 Battery Voltage, volts VB 3276A080 17 Wind Direction, Peak, Degrees UX 3276A080 18 Wind Speed Peak MPH, Miles per Hour UP 3276A080 19 Solar Radiation, watts per meter squared RD