WLSTINV1-Weather Station Inventory for 100717 Station: 100717 Name: EAGLE NESDIS: 326FD7D2 Type: 4 (RAWS S NFDRS) Create/Mod Date: 02-Jun-2020 Obs Time/Z: 13/PST Assoc Man: ______ Prev Stn: ______ Fcst Zone: 103 State: 16-ID County: 035-Clearwater Lat/Lon: 46 48 3, 115 32 14 Obs Agy: 1 (USDA FS ) Unit: NCF Mnemonic: EAGLE FS Reg: 1 Fuel Stk: ___________ Wdy FM Mea: ___________ Site: 3 Elev: 5585 Asp: 5 Ann Prec: 40.00 Season: Ltng scale: 1.00 Hum code: 2 Temp code: 1 Pres code: 1 Wind Spd code: 1 KBDI: 100 One/Ten Fl: N User: 954 Acc Lst: CNC Comments: GREEN UP: 20-JUN-08 20-JUN-09 28-JUN-10 22-JUN-11 20-JUN-12 15-JUN -13 1-JUN-17 PRECIP: STATION STARTED '08 WITH 3.64 INCHES: '09 WITH 7.91 INCHES: '10 WITH 13.08 '11 WITH 24. RESET 6/20/12, 6/26/13 STATION ACTIVATED 08-JUN-10, 27-JUL-11, 20-JUN-12, 26-JUN-13 STATION UPGRADED TO FTS 6/26/13 FROZEN 23-SEP-17 29-SEP-19 SNOW FLAG ON: 3-DEC-17 ENNR RAN AND RECALCULATED FOR SNOW FLAG 12/22/2017 P ** 78 NFDRS Only ** 88 S G C Staffing Idx Breakpnts r H Greenup S l r l Low High i FM S Herb Date Date b p s i SI DC SI% Val SI% Val - -- - --------- --------- - - - - -- -- --- --- --- --- 1 7G F 29-sep-19 01-jun-19 _ 4 P 2 EC 6 90 40 97 43 5 16V _ _________ _________ _ 4 P __ 6 16W _ _________ _________ _ 4 P __ 7 16X _ _________ _________ _ 4 P __ 8 16Y _ _________ _________ _ 4 P __ 9 16Z _ _________ _________ _ 4 P __ NESDIS S# Description SHEF -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ----- 326FD7D2 9 Rain Accumulation, Inches PC 326FD7D2 10 Wind Speed MPH, Miles per Hour US 326FD7D2 11 Wind Direction Degrees, Degrees UD 326FD7D2 12 Air Temperature, Standard Placement, Deg TA 326FD7D2 14 Relative Humidity, Percent XR 326FD7D2 15 Battery Voltage, volts VB 326FD7D2 17 Wind Direction, Peak, Degrees UX 326FD7D2 18 Wind Speed Peak MPH, Miles per Hour UP 326FD7D2 19 Solar Radiation, watts per meter squared RD